High-performance sport and bad teeth?
Unfortunately, it’s a fact!
High-performance athletes suffer more frequently from dental problems! This was already mentioned in a publication in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine” (2014; doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093804). At the Olympic Games in London in 2014, toothache was one of the most common health problems among athletes. As many as 30% of medical consultations during the games were due to toothache: the second most common reason for consultations!
The athletes were asked about their dental problems and as many as 18% of them admitted that toothache had a negative impact on their performance. Almost half of the athletes admitted that they had not visited a dentist in the last year.
Unfortunately, this is not a new problem:
Ian Needleman from the Eastman Dental Institute in London has identified a total of 39 studies, all of which document the poor condition of the teeth of top athletes: between 15 and 75 percent of athletes suffer from tooth decay, and up to 15 percent from periodontal disease. Erosion of the tooth enamel was found in 36 to 85 percent of athletes.
Unfortunately, oral hygiene was equally poor in all athletes, regardless of their country of origin, and one in 20 athletes even said that their performance suffered because of toothache.
Competitive sport unfortunately has a direct influence on the poor condition. The intense physical strain during sporting activity leads to a dry mouth. As a result of dehydration, the amount of saliva is drastically reduced and the mouth becomes dry. The teeth thus lose their natural protection against tooth decay and erosion. At the same time, many athletes cover their high energy requirements with carbohydrates, which are abundantly contained in energy drinks and energy bars. This combination leads to a bombshell effect!
What can be done about it?
Regular and thorough cleaning after meals is absolutely essential. I also recommend regularly rinsing your mouth with water or, even better, with a fluoride solution during sporting activity. Snow Pearl’s Snow Shine Whitening Foam is particularly suitable for this: it contains fluoride, moisturizes the oral mucous membranes excellently, contains lavender oil and propolis (a natural antibiotic produced by bees). The small 50 ml pack of Snow Shine can easily be taken with you during training and has around 200 doses. The light foam is best applied directly to the mouth, the mouth should be rinsed with it for a few seconds and then ejected. Done!
I also strongly advise athletes to go to the dentist once a year for a health check and to have their dental hygiene done once or twice a year.
Dr. Lorenza Dahm